Scholarly Resources

Publications 679
Patents 46
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  • Journal Articles351
  • Conference / In Proceedings255
  • Books / Chapters12
  • Other61

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Top ten Profiles

Dr Pranjala Tiwari Associate Professor
Dr RAJASHEKARA K M Associate Professor
Dr Elavarasan Elangovan Assistant Professor
Dr Levy M Professor Sir Professor
Dr MUNIKENCHE GOWDA T Directorate of Research
Dr Manjunatha KN Assistant Professor
Mr Manjunatha BC Assistant Professor
Dr Bhargavi S Professor
Prof Ravikiran R Assistant Professor
Dr RAJASHEKARA K M Associate Professor
Dr Levy M Professor Sir Professor
Dr Bhargavi S Professor
Dr Elavarasan Elangovan Assistant Professor
Dr Pranjala Tiwari Associate Professor
Dr Shrihari M R Associate Professor
Mrs Veena S Assistant Professor
Dr Mallardhya HM Assistant Professor
Dr Thyagaraj N R Head of the Department


Investigations on nonlinear optical properties of ...

Author: Jagannathan A.;Rajaramakrishna R.;Rajashekara K.M.;Gangareddy J.;Pattar K V.;S V.R.;B E.;Angadi V J.;Kaewkhao J.;Kothan S.

Study of 210Po and 210Pb in ...

Author: Narayana, Y.;Rajashekara, K. M.

Dy3+ doped B2O3 â...

Author: A.R. Venugopal ., R. Rajaramakrishna ., K.M. Rajashekara ., J. Rajaguguk ., N.H. Ayachit ., S. Kothan ., J Kaewkhao .,

Depth profile study of natural radionuclides in th...

Author: Shetty, P. K.;Narayana, Y.;Rajashekara, K. M.

Precursor Based Tuning of the Nonlinear Optical Pr...

Author: Jagannathan A.;Gangareddy J.;Rajaramakrishna R.;Rajashekara K.M.;Rao S.V.;Kaewkhao J.;Kothan S.;El-Denglawey A.